Example Applications

All VisWaterNet scripts should begin with the following steps:

  1. Import the VisWaterNet package.

import viswaternet as vis
  1. Initialize a VisWaterNet model object for the .INP file of the water distribution network. For these examples, we use the CTown network model introduced by Ostfeld (2016).

model = vis.VisWNModel('Networks/CTown.inp')

Alternatively, we can initialize a VisWaterNet model corresponding to a WNTR water network model object.

  1. If you would like to draw the plot into a figure you want to customize yourself (e.g., by drawing into a subplot axis, or by choosing the height and width), import the Matplotlib package and initialize a Matplotlib figure and axis. This is optional; by default, if not provided an empty axis or figure, VisWaterNet will create a figure on behalf of the user.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11,11))

After we have initialized our VisWaterNet model object, we can proceed to call on different functions offered by the VisWaterNet library to generate a variety of figures. Below, we provide a series of examples to highlight the different VisWaterNet plotting functions and their wide range of inputs.

Example 1 - Basic Network Layout Plot

This example demonstrates the basic plotting functionality provided by VisWaterNet. The plot_basic_elements function is used to generate a view of the network layout, depicting the locations of nodes (junctions, tanks, and reservoirs) and links (pipes, pumps, and valves).

Basic network layout

Example 2 - Customizing a Basic Network Layout Plot

Here, we customize the basic network plot by changing the location of the legend, color of the tank marker, and pump line style, and draw the figure into axis ax.

                          legend_loc = 'lower left',
                          tank_color = 'g',
                          pump_line_style = ':')
Basic network layout modified

All customization inputs can be found here.

Next, Examples 3 and 4 demonstrate how to visualize data in a continuous manner, i.e., by assigning colors according to a color bar (or gradient scale).

Example 3 - Continuous Node Data Plot for Nodal Pressure

Here, we create a continuous data plot for nodal pressure at hour 10. We increase the size of all nodes to 200 and save the figure as a .PNG file titled ‘example3’ (with resolution 400 dpi) into the figures folder.

model.plot_continuous_nodes(parameter = "pressure", value = 10,
                            min_size = 200, max_size = 200,
                            save_name = 'figures/example3', dpi=400)
Continuous node plot

Example 5 - Discrete Data Plot for Nodal Demand

Here, we create a discrete data plot for nodal demand at hour 10. We specify that we want 3 data intervals, change the location of the discrete data legend, and modify the units of the nodal demand from the default flow units (m3/s, following SI convention) to cubic meter per hour (CMH). This is a list of the unit conversion options offered by VisWaterNet.

model.plot_discrete_nodes(parameter = "demand", value = 10,
                          num_intervals = 3,
                          legend_loc_2 = 'upper left', unit = 'CMH')
Discrete node plot

Example 7 - Categorical Data Plot for Nodal Demand Pattern

Here, we create a categorical data plot for nodal demand pattern. We modify the color scheme to differentiate clearly between the different demand patterns and modify the legend appearance, location, and labels.

model.plot_unique_data(parameter = "demand_patterns", cmap = 'tab10',
                      legend_loc_2 = 'lower left', legend_title = 'Demand Patterns',
                      legend_title_font_size = 13, font_size = 12,
                      interval_label_list = ['Pattern 1', 'Pattern 2', 'Pattern 3',
                      'Patten 4', 'Pattern 5', 'No Pattern'])
Categorical node plot

Replacing the parameter value with “diameter” or “roughness” will generate categorical plots for link diameters and link roughness coefficients respectively. Below is an example of a categorical diameter plot.

Example 9 - Importing and Plotting Categorical Data from an Excel File

Here, we import data from an excel file named “CTown_pipes_age.xlsx” that has two columns: a column headed “Pipe Name” followed by a list of all pipe names in the CTown network, and a column headed “Year” followed by a list of strings describing the range of years in which the corresponding pipes were installed. We call on the plot_unique data function with parameter = the path name of the Excel file, choose the element we are plotting (parameter_type = ‘node’ or ‘link’), and type of plot we would like to generate: data_type = ‘continuous’ (for a color scale plot of numerical data), ‘discrete’ (for a grouped plot of numerical data) or ‘unique’ (for a plot in which each node/link corresponds to a non-numerical label). The excel_columns input takes in a list of length 2 containing the indices of the columns in the file corresponding to (1) the list of node/link names, and (2) the corresponding data points. Note that the A column of the Excel file is represented by index 0. The dataset in this example contains four unique categories of data, and we choose the colors corresponding to each interval instead of interpolating from a colormap.

                       parameter_type='link', data_type='unique',
                       color_list = ["red", "blue", "green","orange"],
                       legend_loc_2 = 'lower left', , tank_color = 'k',
                       pump_color = 'gray', reservoir_color = 'navy',
                       legend_title = 'Pipe Installation Year')
Unique link plot from Excel

Example 10 - Plotting Custom Data Generated Within a Python Script

Here, we demonstrate how lists of data corresponding to nodes or links can be easily visualized using VisWaterNet. This functionality is useful for plotting results of analyses performed on the water network within Python scripts. We call on the plot_unique data function with parameter = ‘custom_data’, choose the element we are plotting (parameter_type = ‘node’ or ‘link’), and type of plot we would like to generate: data_type = ‘continuous’, ‘discrete’ or ‘unique’. element_list is a list of the nodes or links in the model, and data_list is the list of corresponding data points we would like to plot. In this example, we generate a random set of values in data_list to serve as our data points, and plot them in a continuous manner.

import random

element_list = wn.junction_name_list
data_list = [random.randrange(1, 50, 1) for i in range(wn.num_junctions)]

model.plot_unique_data(parameter = 'custom_data', node_size = 200,
                       parameter_type = 'node', data_type = 'continuous',
                       line_widths = 1, edge_colors = "k",
                       custom_data_values = [element_list, data_list],
                       color_bar_title = "Error (%)", cmap = "bwr")
Custom continuous node plot

Example 11 - Creating GIFs

VisWaterNet offers a function that generates time-varying representations of network properties. Here, we demonstrate how to use the animate_plot function to generate a .GIF file showing link flow rate change in a continuous manner over the simulation duration. To generate an animation, we have to provide the following inputs:

  • ax: a Matplotlib axis that can hold the frames

  • function: the specific function we want to invoke on model for each frame, e.g., model.plot_discrete_nodes

  • data_type: the type of plot we wish to generate (‘continuous’, ‘discrete’, or ‘unique’)

  • parameter_type: the elements we are plotting (‘node’ or ‘link’)

  • parameter: the node/link parameter data we intend to plot (e.g. ‘flowrate’, ‘pressure’, etc.)

  • first_timestep: the starting time step of the animation (optional)

  • last_timestep: the ending time step of the animation (optional)

  • unit: the time step units shown on the plot (‘min’, ‘hr’, ‘day’, default ‘s’) (optional)

  • fps: the animation framerate as an integer value (optional)

Additional parameters can be provided to customize the frames as shown in previous examples.

model.animate_plot(ax, function = model.plot_continuous_links ,
                   data_type = 'continuous', parameter_type = 'link',
                   parameter = 'flowrate',
                   first_timestep = 0, last_timestep = 40,
                   unit = 'hr',  fps = 7,
                   max_width = 5, min_width = 5, legend = False,
                   color_bar_title = 'Flowrate [m3/s]',
                   pump_color = 'green', cmap = 'coolwarm')
Flow rate gif

More examples can be found in the Examples folder. The full range of inputs for each plotting function can be found in this section.